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Clear My Head
Minty Scent

Laurel Leaf

Melaleuca Leaf

Eucalyptus Leaf

Peppermint Leaf

Lemon Peel

Cardamom Seeds

Ravensara Leaf Essential Oils
May reduce anxiety (Lemon Peel), (Ravensara Leaf), (Eucalyptus Leaf), (Lauren Leaf)
May aid skin health (Lemon peel, (Melaleuca Leaf), (eucalyptus Leaf)
Supports the immune system (Ravensara Leaf), (Melaleuca Leaf), (Cardamom Seed), (Eucalyptus Leaf)
May support healthy breathing (Peppermint Plant), (Lauren Leaf)
Contains antioxidant properties (eucalyptus Leaf), (Cardamom Seed)
May promote sleep (Ravensara Leaf), (Peppermint Plant)
May improve oral health (eucalyptus Leaf), (Melaleuca Leaf)
May relieve clogged sinuses (Peppermint Plant)
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