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Ingredients: Laurel Leaf, Eucalyptus Leaf, Peppermint Plant, Melaleuca Leaf, Lemon Peel, Cardamom Seed, Ravensara Leaf, Ravensara Leaf essential oils


❄️May reduce anxiety (Lemon Peel), (Ravensara Leaf), (Eucalyptus Leaf), (Lauren Leaf)

❄️May aid skin health (Lemon peel, (Melaleuca Leaf), (eucalyptus Leaf)

❄️Supports the immune system (Ravensara Leaf), (Melaleuca Leaf), (Cardamom Seed), (Eucalyptus Leaf)

❄️May support healthy breathing (Peppermint Plant), (Lauren Leaf)

❄️Contains antioxidant properties (eucalyptus Leaf), (Cardamom Seed)

❄️May promote sleep (Ravensara Leaf), (Peppermint Plant)

❄️May improve oral health (eucalyptus Leaf), (Melaleuca Leaf)

❄️May relieve clogged sinuses (Peppermint Plant)

Clear My Head ❄️

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